Operation „Druskininkai Insertion” – INFINITY karinio miniatiūrų žaidimo turnyras Druskininkuose

Operation Druskininkai Insertion - Infinity

Rugpjūčio 31 dieną, šeštadienį, Druskininkų jaunimo užimtumo centro I a. salėje vyks karinio miniatiūrų žaidimo „Infinity“ turnyras. Tai – pirmasis tokio pobūdžio renginys Druskininkuose. Oficialų kovinį krikštą jame gaus ir „Board Punks“ atstovai – Juozas, Tomas ir Dainius. Kas būsite netoliese, užsukite pasižiūrėti įspūdingų kovų, terrain’o ir miniatiūrų.

Registracijos nuoroda – https://urlzs.com/Q5isT

Turnyro aprašymas: (Tournament description)

Doors open at 10:00
Tournament starts at 11:00

Entry fee: 10 EUR
Player Limit: 14 players.

Format: 200 pt, 4 SWC, Limited Insertion

– Decapitation
– Quadrant Control
– Supplies

You can expect tables with special Terrain Features made up of Zones of Difficult Terrain, Saturation Zones, Low Visibility Zones etc.

10:00 – 11:00 Doors/Greetings/Registration
11:00 – 13:00 Decapitation
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 16:00 Quadrant Control
16:00 – 18:00 Supplies
18:00 – 18:30 Results

Each participant is obliged to:
*Bring miniatures for his list and an HVT model.
*Apply two ITS lists via ITS Manager before the day of the Tournament
*Bring at least one printed copy of each list (both normal and courtesy).
*Bring a full deck of Classified Objectives.
*Bring a Tape Measure.
*Bring a minimum of your max Burst amount in D20 dice.
*Bring a sufficient number of tokens, including Orders, Command, Prone, Unconcious, Camo, etc. These must be easy to differentiate.
*Bring a set of Templates and Silhouettes.

Official PROXY ITS rules


It will be allowed to:
„Nullify two Regular Orders of the enemy Order Pool during that Turn only.”
Some tables may have special conditions – players must use them.
Line of sight can be drawn into the building or out of the building – but never through the building.
Permanently closed doors can’t be closed or open.
Should a terrain piece have doors which can be removed or moved, they can be opened or closed via a Short movement skill. Hacking Protocol “Lock picker” can also be used to do so.

Main Judge’s decisions are final.
Rule abuse and provoking severe disagreements will be punished with a warning, awarding negative points and/or removal from the event.
Inappropriate behaviour will be punished with a warning, awarding negative points and/or removal from the event.
All punishments are publicly declared after the tournament round and before the start of next tournament round.
Failure to report results in time will be punished in accordance to the table below:
1st fail: -3OP
2nd fail: -2TP
3rd fail: -2TP
These are cumulative.